Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Zidane episode update

This is a follow up to my old post on the Zidane episode.

So I was watching some news segment yessterday, and the Zidane headbutting incident again got a mention. I started wondering why they were recycling such old news and whether the American media has run out of material. Just then, it became clear why. The details of the conversation between Zidane and Materazzi have been made public.

The whole incident ran out like this. Materazzi kept pulling on Zidane's jersey throughout the game. So Zidane told him "Why do you keep pulling on my shirt? I'll give it to you once the game is over". To this, came what could be one of the greatest comebacks of all time. Materrazi replied "I prefer your sister". Something inside Zidane went awry, he turned around and the rest, as they say, is headbutting history.

I was quite surprised. Zidane, with his years of European league experience, must've seen far worse than this. He should've just come back with something clever like "But she prefers guys" or "Are you done with yours?". Instead, he went off his rocker and spoilt an incredible opportunity to go out in a blaze.


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