The Chicago Marathon, ASHA and me

So here goes...
I'll be running the Chicago marathon on Oct 22nd in an effort to raise funds for ASHA, a non profit organization that works towards improving the lives of underprivileged children in India.
I've been interested in distance-running for a couple of years now, and I did complete the Chicago half-marathon last year. But a full marathon has always appeared to be an extreme task, almost a test of character, to me. But this fundraising opportunity has given me that little extra push and motivation to give this a shot. I have been running with a local group that ASHA has tied up with and its been a lot of fun.
Check out these links for more information about ASHA and this fund raising program
and check out my page at
I understand that you might already be familiar with this wonderful organization, but might have commitments to other charities. I would encourage you to take a look at the web-sites and learn about ASHA's work and projects. Feel free to contribute to my run if you wish (you can pay with your credit card via paypal). Also you're welcome to pass this info on to others who might be interested. My goal is to raise $2620 ($100 per mile), and I hope you will help me get there.
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