A trip to the Great Smokies

We managed to get in some white water rafting on the Upper Pigeon river, which has around 70 rapids, including four Class 4 rapids. For the uninitiated, rapids in whiter water rafting are classified according to their difficulty level (based on a bunch of factors like water level, velocity, type of current etc.) and Class 4 is as good as it gets for amateurs. I've done this before in West Virginia, Colorado, and ofcourse, the Smokies. So I could probably call myself an 'experienced' rafter now. More than the thrill, I enjoyed the breath-taking scenery along the way.
The Abrams falls hiking trail in Cades Cove is probably the most popular and touristy hiking trail in Smokies. So ofcourse we had to do it. Its a 5 mile round trip and can be challenging if you're not prepared. The best part is at the end of the trail when you encounter the breath-taking, you guessed it right, Abrams falls. While everyone was just enjoying the falls from afar and taking pictures and such, we decided to venture in and take a mind-numbing brain-freezing shower under the falls. We also drove up to Clingmans Dome, the highest point in the Smokies to watch the sunset. As the Sun falls beyond the horizon, the layers of mountains turn a brilliant blue, giving them the name Blue Mountains.

Lest people think I'm anti-Hindi, anti-North India or something like that, I have bigger grudges against some of the Tamil gangs that showed up everywhere we went. Whether we ventured to shower in the falls or moved to a lonely rock in the wading pool to lie down, they seemed to be following us everywhere, and crowded around us. The men were dressed in jeans and pants and full hand shirts. They must've gotten up that morning with intentions of going to work, then changed their minds and decided to do the Abrams falls hiking trail instead. The women did not fare much better either. Let me reiterate this here - pink pajamas DO NOT suit south Indian women. And no, its NOT cute either if you're out of your teens.
I know I sound like a snob here, which is really not my intention. I'm sure I've been obnoxious before when I went with my gang, talked noisily in Tamil at public places and generally did not give a damn what other travellers/vacationers thought. But when I see it now from the point of view of a dispassionate observer/traveller, I don't feel so proud of our travelling etiquettes. I think there should be a limit on the maximum number of people allowed to travel in a desi group, especially Tamil, Golt and Gujjus. Maybe one day in the distant future, our men will not come rafting with sneakers and socks, our women will let go of pink pajamas and our hordes of travelling gangs might actually try to be more considerate of other travellers.
Thank you for visiting my blog Karthik -- I'm no scientist, but I see what's happening around. The climate has definitely turned..
I do believe Global Warming is true- but hey, like you said if scaring people makes them follow a cleaner lifestyle, so be it!
Shiva - I thought West Virginia rafting was more challenging. I guess it depends on the level of water depending on the season. I did do the go-karting in Pigeon Forge. Such fun!
Jinal - My turn to thank you for visiting my blog. You guys at DesiPundit are doing a great job. As far as global warming is concerned, its still an ongoing debate, and both sides have some good arguments. But I agree that we all have to start changing our habits for the better.
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