Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Kudos to a friend

My good friend Gokul recently volunteered on a one-week Katrina debris removal project through Habitat for Humanity. Here's his brief account of the things he experienced and the people he met.

On the last day, on our way back to camp, before disembarking, our bus-driver spoke with a heavy voice puctuated by southern accent "Y'all dont know me"...he paused..."But God bless you for what y'all are doing". A brief moment of silence ensued and then the whole bus burst into applause. There was no demeaning thanks or words of praise. Just simple heart-felt appreciation for being there and doing it. For me, that was the defining moment of the whole camp.

For a quintessential lazy nerd who does not believe in physical exertion, he has really taken the effort and made a difference. I found it touching and inspiring, and for once, I'm actually going to say "I'm proud of you, my boy!" without meaning to be sarcastic.


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